Results for 'Caleb E. Finch'

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  1.  17
    Blind cave salamanders age very slowly: A new member of Methuselah's Bestiary.Caleb E. Finch & Steven N. Austad - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (1):27-29.
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    The Methodology of the Social Sciences. [REVIEW]E. N., Max Weber, Edward A. Shils & Henry A. Finch - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (1):25.
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    Comparison of Methods for Factor Invariance Testing of a 1-Factor Model With Small Samples and Skewed Latent Traits.Holmes W. Finch, Brian F. French & Maria E. Hernández Finch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  4. The Boston Symposium On Hegel and The Sciences.Mathilde E. Finch - 1970 - The Owl of Minerva 2 (2):1-2.
    At the close of the recent Boston Symposium, a panel discussion was held on the general theme of the conference. The following are the remarks of Professor J. N. Findlay of Yale, recorded and transcribed here with his permission.
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    The Text of Cicero's Topica in Codex Chartres 498.Chauncey E. Finch - 1978 - Mediaeval Studies 40 (1):468-472.
  6.  45
    Logical Structures Arising in Quantum Theory.Simon Kochen, E. P. Specker, C. A. Hooker & P. D. Finch - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):558-566.
  7.  43
    Reciprocal causation and biological practice.Caleb Hazelwood - 2023 - Biology and Philosophy 38 (1):1-23.
    Arguments for an extended evolutionary synthesis often center on the concept of “reciprocal causation.” Proponents argue that reciprocal causation is superior to standard models of evolutionary causation for at least two reasons. First, it leads to better scientific models with more predictive power. Second, it more accurately represents the causal structure of the biological world. Simply put, proponents of an extended evolutionary synthesis argue that reciprocal causation is empirically and explanatorily apt relative to competing causal frameworks. In this paper, I (...)
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  8. Cerebro, Aprendizaje e Investigación: Conexiones.A. Caleb - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (4):383-386.
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  9. Cerebro, Aprendizaje e Investigación: Conexiones.Caleb A. López - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2 (2):383-386.
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    Blueprint for Transparency at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Recommendations to Advance the Development of Safe and Effective Medical Products.Joshua M. Sharfstein, James Dabney Miller, Anna L. Davis, Joseph S. Ross, Margaret E. McCarthy, Brian Smith, Anam Chaudhry, G. Caleb Alexander & Aaron S. Kesselheim - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (s2):7-23.
    BackgroundThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration traditionally has kept confidential significant amounts of information relevant to the approval or non-approval of specific drugs, devices, and biologics and about the regulatory status of such medical products in FDA’s pipeline.ObjectiveTo develop practical recommendations for FDA to improve its transparency to the public that FDA could implement by rulemaking or other regulatory processes without further congressional authorization. These recommendations would build on the work of FDA’s Transparency Task Force in 2010.MethodsIn 2016-2017, we convened (...)
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    Body-as-Subject in the Four-Hand Illusion.Caleb Liang, Yen-Tung Lee, Wen-Yeo Chen & Hsu-Chia Huang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9 (1710):1-9.
    In a recent study (Chen et al., 2018), we conducted a series of experiments that induced the “four-hand illusion”: using a head-mounted display (HMD), the participant adopted the experimenter’s first-person perspective (1PP) as if it was his/her own 1PP. The participant saw four hands via the HMD: the experimenter’s two hands from the adopted 1PP and the subject’s own two hands from the adopted third-person perspective (3PP). In the active four-hand condition, the participant tapped his/her index fingers, imitated by the (...)
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    Linguaggio e azione.Henry le Roy Finch - 1983 - Philosophical Books 24 (3):158-159.
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    Josiah Royce for the Twenty-First Century: Historical, Ethical, and Religious Interpretations.Zbigniew Ambrozewicz, Marc M. Anderson, Randall E. Auxier, Thomas O. Buford, Gary L. Cesarz, Rossella Fabbrichesi, Matthew Caleb Flamm, Richard A. S. Hall, Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley, Wojciech Malecki, Bette J. Manter, Ludwig Nagl, Ignas K. Skrupskelis & Claudio Marcelo Viale (eds.) - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    The collection presents a variety of promising new directions in Royce scholarship from an international group of scholars, including historical reinterpretations, explorations of Royce's ethics of loyalty and religious philosophy, and contemporary applications of his ideas in psychology, the problem of reference, neo-pragmatism, and literary aesthetics.
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    Perceptual Phenomenology and Direct Realism.Caleb Liang - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 42:103-148.
    I discuss the so-called “problem of perception” in relation to the Argument from Illusion: Can we directly perceive the external world? According to Direct Realism, at least sometimes perception provides direct and immediate awareness of reality. But the Argument from Illusion threatens to undermine the possibility of genuine perception. In The Problem of Perception (2002), A. D. Smith proposes a novel defense of Direct Realism based on a careful study of perceptual phenomenology. According to his theory, the intentionality of perception (...)
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  15. Robert E. Goodin, Perpetuating Advantage: Mechanisms of Structural Injustice, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023), 258 pages. ISBN: 9780192888204. [REVIEW]Caleb Althorpe - forthcoming - Journal of Moral Philosophy.
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    Creation, Redemption and Virtue.Caleb Miller - 1999 - Faith and Philosophy 16 (3):368-377.
    In this paper, I defend the claim that Christian theology gives us good reason to think that virtue is relative to individuals and communities, i.e., that what character traits are virtues for individuals is relative to individuals and to the communities of which they are members. I begin by reviewing the theological claims that I take to be relevant. I then argue that these claims make it plausible to conclude that virtue is morally redemptive and therefore relative to individuals and (...)
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    Validity rules for proportionally quantified syllogisms.Henry Albert Finch - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (1):1-18.
    Since the time, about a century ago, when DeMorgan, Boole and Jevons, inaugurated the study of the logic of numerically definite reasoning, no one has been concerned to establish the validity rules for a very general type of numerically definite inference which is a strong analogue of the classical syllogism. The reader will readily agree that the traditional rules of syllogistic inference cannot even begin to decide whether the following proportionally quantified syllogism is a valid argument: at most 4/7 p (...)
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  18.  40
    The Nature of Belief and its Normative Implications.Caleb Lee - unknown
    Beliefs seem to be more significantly constrained by some norms than others e.g. one should only believe what they have sufficient evidence for, a belief that p is correct iff p is true etc. I call these norms, doxastic norms. Constitutivism is the view that doxastic norms are a constitutive feature of belief. I argue that this view is mistaken. In making this case, I come to defend views about the semantics of doxastic norms, the nature of belief, and the (...)
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  19. The good & the right: a Christian introduction to moral philosophy.J. Caleb Clanton & Kraig Martin - 2025 - Abilene, Texas: Abilene Christian University Press.
    The Good and the Right is a Christian introduction to the major theories of ethics in the history of philosophy (e.g., relativism, egoism, utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, social contract theory, natural law theory, virtue theory, and divine command theory). Philosophers J. Caleb Clanton and Kraig Martin offer a lucid survey of each ethical framework, and they carefully reconstruct and critically evaluate the case for and against each view. Along the way, the authors engage with the presuppositions, affirmations, and implications of (...)
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  20. Appearance and Explanation: Phenomenal Explanationism in Epistemology. By Kevin McCain and Luca Moretti. [REVIEW]Caleb Estep - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (2):354-356.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Appearance and Explanation: Phenomenal Explanationism in Epistemology by Kevin McCain and Luca MorettiCaleb EstepMcCAIN, Kevin and Luca Moretti. Appearance and Explanation: Phenomenal Explanationism in Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. iv + 195 pp. Cloth, $70.00Since its beginning, phenomenal conservatism (PC) has grown rapidly in popularity as a theory of epistemic justification. In Appearance and Explanation, McCain and Moretti develop out of PC a new theory of justification (...)
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    On Polynomial-Time Relation Reducibility.Su Gao & Caleb Ziegler - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (2):271-285.
    We study the notion of polynomial-time relation reducibility among computable equivalence relations. We identify some benchmark equivalence relations and show that the reducibility hierarchy has a rich structure. Specifically, we embed the partial order of all polynomial-time computable sets into the polynomial-time relation reducibility hierarchy between two benchmark equivalence relations Eλ and id. In addition, we consider equivalence relations with finitely many nontrivial equivalence classes and those whose equivalence classes are all finite.
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  22. Pluriverso. Il 'nuovo pensiero'di Franz Rosenzweig.E. Baccarini - 2008 - Teoria 28 (1):59-76.
    Il «nuovo» pensiero non è più cronologicamente nuovo ad oltre ottant’anni dalla sua nascita e, tuttavia, forse oggi manifesta un carattere di novità e di urgenza maggiore di allora, come si suol dire una «rinascita» che giustifica l’interrogativo sul suo «futuro». La particolare situazione in cui ci troviamo a pensare e soprattutto a vivere, le nuove domande che le mutate condizioni storico-culturali pongono alla filosofia, possono trovare un modello di risposta se ci si volge indietro a quella particolare stagione della (...)
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    «Finché non sarà bruciato l’ultimo quintale di combustibile fossile». Max Weber sulle risorse naturali e la fine del capitalismo.Edith Hanke - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 32 (63):107-126.
    Thinking about the end of capitalism is nothing new. The amazing thing is that Max Weber, who is not suspected of being a socialist or a communist, did so more than 100 years ago – in terms of fossil fuels. This brings him closer to the demands of the “green economy”, but on closer inspection, the energy and raw material base is only one factor in Weber’s complex conception of modern capitalism.
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    Finché esiste l'uomo: quattro studi su autodeterminazione e obbligatorietà.Daniele M. Cananzi - 2014 - Torino: G. Giappichelli editore. Edited by Daniele M. Cananzi.
    La modernità incompiuta e l'ermeneutica dell'umano: sulla filosofia di Domenico Jervolino -- Sulla mortalità dell'essere morale: note su ontologia e diritto con Gabriel Marcel -- Matrimonio e "diritto naturale vignete" in Sergio Cotta -- La molteplicità degli ordinamenti giuridici nella riflessione di Giuseppe Capograssi -- Last not last.
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    Simon Kochen and E. P. Specker. Logical structures arising in quantum theory. A reprint of XL 507. The logieo-algebraic approach to quantum mechanics, Volume I, Historicale evolution, edited by C. A. Hooker, The University of Western Ontario series in philosophy of science, vol. 5, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht and Boston1975, pp. 263–276. - Simon Kochen and E. P. Specker. The calculus of partial propositional functions. A reprint of XL 508. The logieo-algebraic approach to quantum mechanics, Volume I, Historical evolution, edited by C. A. Hooker, The University of Western Ontario series in philosophy of science, vol. 5, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht and Boston1975, pp. 277–292. - P.D. Finch. On the structure of quantum logic. The logieo-algebraic approach to quantum mechanics, Volume I, Historical evolution, edited by C. A. Hooker, The University of Western Ontario series in philosophy of science, vol. 5, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht and Boston1975, pp. [REVIEW]R. I. G. Hughes - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):558-566.
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    How to tweak a beak: molecular techniques for studying the evolution of size and shape in Darwin's finches and other birds.Richard A. Schneider - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (1):1-6.
    A flurry of technological advances in molecular, cellular and developmental biology during the past decade has provided a clearer understanding of mechanisms underlying phenotypic diversification. Building upon such momentum, a recent paper tackles one of the foremost topics in evolution, that is the origin of species‐specific beak morphology in Darwin's finches.1 Previous work involving both domesticated and wild birds implicated a well‐known signaling pathway (i.e. bone morphogenetic proteins) and one population of progenitor cells in particular (i.e. cranial neural crest), as (...)
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    Percepción sensible e imaginación en la filosofía de Anne Conway.Viridiana Platas Benítez - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (3):821-834.
    La filosofía de Anne Finch, Viscondesa de Conway ha sido estudiada desde la perspectiva del papel crítico de su monismo vitalista frente a la filosofía de sus contemporáneos, así como en la valoración de su papel en la historia de la filosofía. No obstante, la atención que han recibido sus tesis epistemológicas ha sido escasa en razón del carácter fragmentario de sus Principios de la más antigua y moderna filosofía (1690). El presente artículo parte de la idea de que (...)
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  28. La critica di Guizot ai faits généraux e il caso SISDE.Massimo Mancini - 1995 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 3:621-628.
    Già nel 1821 Guizot ammonisce il governo francese, ma più generalmente tutti gli operatori del diritto, contro il diffondersi dell'impiego della teoria dei “fatti generali” nei processi per reati politici, considerandola un'intollerabile ingerenza politica nella sfera della giustizia e della sua amministrazione. Nei processi penali, l'esposizione e l'esame di fatti generali, “sans rapport direct et visible avec les accusés”, viene criticata da Guizot in quanto usualmente adottata come strumento per colpire fazioni opposte al potere dominante, obbligato, in assenza di fatti (...)
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  29. From Hegel to Kaplan.Alberto Voltolini - 1996 - In C. Penco & G. Sarbia (eds.), Alle radici della filosofia analitica. ERGA. pp. 825-850.
    Da Hegel fino a Bradley, l'attacco idealista ad una concezione pluralistica della realtà come una credenza non suffragata dalla verità delle cose si è valso dell'argomento semantico secondo il quale le espressioni indicali, su cui da ultimo riposerebbe tutta la valenza referenziale del linguaggio, non si riferiscono a segmenti discreti del reale ma si limitano ad esprimere universali. Dal versante ontologico opposto, Russell ha guidato la reazione all'idealismo assoluto (inaugurando così uno dei filoni di riflessione della filosofia analitica) facendo perno (...)
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    From songs to synapses: Molecular mechanisms of birdsong memory.Sanne Moorman, Claudio V. Mello & Johan J. Bolhuis - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (5):377-385.
    There are remarkable behavioral, neural, and genetic similarities between the way songbirds learn to sing and human infants learn to speak. Furthermore, the brain regions involved in birdsong learning, perception, and production have been identified and characterized in detail. In particular, the caudal medial nidopallium (the avian analog of the mammalian auditory‐association cortex) has been found to contain the neural substrate of auditory memory, paving the way for analyses of the underlying molecular mechanisms. Recently, the zebra finch genome was (...)
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    Il gamos proibito. Persistenza di un modello culturale in Diogene Laerzio (III 2).Damiano Fermi - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (1):15-30.
    L’esame di un passo della Vita di Platone laerziana (III 2) – e di luoghi paralleli riferibili alla medesima tradizione – permette di mettere a fuoco un motivo mitico cruciale nei racconti sulla concorrenza tra essere umano e divinità nel gamos con una mortale: il divieto, che il nume impone al ‘rivale’ di inferiore natura, di congiungersi con la donna che reca in grembo il suo seme, finché l’eroina non abbia portato a termine la gravidanza. Le storie di personaggi femminili (...)
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  32. The Cracked Share.Hangjun Lee & Chulki Hong - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):2-5.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 2–5 To begin with, as we understand from a remote place like Seoul, there have been two different conceptions of materiality in the Western experimental ?lm history: materiality of cinema and of ?lm. The former has been represented by the practitioners of the so-called the “Expanded Cinema” and the latter by the tradition of the “Hand-made” ?lm. Whereas for the Expanded Cinema, the materiality or the “medium-speci?city” includes not only the ?lm material but also the entire condition (...)
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    Darwin.Philip Appleman - 1970 - New York,: Norton. Edited by Philip Appleman.
    Overview * Part I: Introduction * Philip Appleman, Darwin: On Changing the Mind * Part II: Darwin’s Life * Ernst Mayr, Who Is Darwin? * Part III: Scientific Thought: Just before Darwin * Sir Gavin de Beer, Biology before the Beagle * Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population * William Paley, Natural Theology * Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Lamarck, Zoological Philisophy * Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology * John Herschell, The Study of Natural Philosophy (...)
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  34. Covering Giorgio Agamben's Nudities.Gregory Kirk Murray - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):145-147.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 145-147. Here I accoutred myself in my new habiliments; and, having em- ployed the same precautions as before, retired from my lodging at a time least exposed to observation. It is unnecessary to des- cribe the particulars of my new equipage; suffice it to say, that one of my cares was to discolour my complexion, and give it the dun and sallow hue which is in most instances characteristic of the tribe to which I assumed to belong; (...)
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  35. Developing Group-Deliberative Virtues.Scott F. Aikin & J. Caleb Clanton - 2010 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (4):409-424.
    In this paper, the authors argue for two main claims: first, that the epistemic results of group deliberation can be superior to those of individual inquiry; and, second, that successful deliberative groups depend on individuals exhibiting deliberative virtues. The development of these group-deliberative virtues, the authors argue, is important not only for epistemic purposes but political purposes, as democracies require the virtuous deliberation of their citizens. Deliberative virtues contribute to the deliberative synergy of the group, not only in terms of (...)
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  36. Semanticità e formalismo.Note E. Rassegne - 1964 - Rivista di Estetica 9:132.
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    Where Does Schroedinger's “What is Life?” Belong in the History of Molecular Biology?E. J. Yoxen - 1979 - History of Science 17 (1):17-52.
  38.  16
    G.E. Moore: the early essays.G. E. Moore - 1986 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Edited by Tom Regan.
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  39. E. S. Brightman on Conditional Immortality.Warren E. Steinkraus - 1975 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 56 (1):80.
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  40.  26
    The Edith Russell Papers.Sheila Turcon - 1992 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 12 (1):61-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:'Bibliographies/LArchivallnventories/Indexes THE EDITH RUSSELL PAPERS SHEILA TUReON Russell Archives I McMaster University Library Hamilton, Ont., Canada L8s 4M6 INTRODUCTION E dith, Countess Russell, was born Edith Finch, the daughter of Edward Bronson Finch, a physician, and his wife, Delia, on 5 November 1900 in New York City. She was educated at Bryn Mawr College (AB, 1922) and St. Hilda's College, Oxford (HON BA, 1925; MA, 1926). Returning (...)
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  41.  77
    Lying to Insurance Companies: The Desire to Deceive among Physicians and the Public.Rachel M. Werner, G. Caleb Alexander, Angela Fagerlin & Peter A. Ubel - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (4):53-59.
    This study examines the public's and physicians' willingness to support deception of insurance companies in order to obtain necessary healthcare services and how this support varies based on perceptions of physicians' time pressures. Based on surveys of 700 prospective jurors and 1617 physicians, the public was more than twice as likely as physicians to sanction deception (26% versus 11%) and half as likely to believe that physicians have adequate time to appeal coverage decisions (22% versus 59%). The odds of public (...)
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    Review of A Journey into the Philosophy of Alain Locke by Johnny Washington. [REVIEW]Stephen Lester Thompson - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (4):703-705.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 703 thing," and "doing, acting [having.] priority over intellectual understanding and reasoning " (92). But are such "analogies" really the crux of the "religious point of view" in terms of which Wittgenstein said that he could "not help seeing every problem"? When we recall that Wittgenstein's later philosophy was a proibund attack upon what he regarded as the idolatry of science, logic, and mathematics (an idolatry of (...)
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  43. Melanie Klein e il suo impatto sulla psicoanalisi di oggi. Roma.E. Bott Spillius - forthcoming - Astrolabio.
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  44. O rabote Ėngelʹsa.Ė Kolʹman - 1946
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  45. Poesia e storia.Note E. Rassegne - 1966 - Rivista di Estetica 11:119.
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    Études de théologie morale.Timothée Richard - 1933 - Paris,: Desclée, de Brouwer et cie..
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    Ethical Challenges in Clinical Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic.B. E. Bierer, S. A. White, J. M. Barnes & L. Gelinas - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):717-722.
    The sudden emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic brought global disruption to every aspect of society including healthcare, supply chain, the economy, and social interaction. Among the many emergent considerations were the safety and public health of the public, patients, essential workers, and healthcare professionals. In certain locations, clinical research was halted—or terminated—in deference to the immediate needs of patient care, and clinical trials focusing on the treatment and prevention of coronavirus infection were prioritized over studies focusing on other diseases. Difficult (...)
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  48. Il comparto sedimentario e la sua disponibilitatrofica per il macrozoobenthos in valle Fattibello e valle Spavola.G. Rossi, E. A. Fano & R. Rossi - 1999 - Laguna 5:42-51.
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    Qualità della vita e dignità della persona con dolore cronico persistente: il ruolo delle cure palliative.Felice E. Agrò - 2006 - Acta Philosophica: Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia 15 (2):195-230.
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  50. Mārksiṣṭu tatvavētta, caritra pariśōdhakulu Ēụkūru Balarāmamūrti vyāsāvaḷi.Ēṭukūru Balarāmamūrti - 2002 - Haidarābādu: Pratulaku, Viśālāndhra Pabliṣiṅg Haus. Edited by Ēṭukūru Paṅkajamma.
    Selected articles of Ēṭukūru Balarāmamūrti on Marxist philosophy; includes contributed on his life and work.
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